Top Ten Term Life Insurance Money Saving Tips

Term life insurance is a very affordable way to provide life insurance coverage for your loved ones. Even though it is affordable, there are still ways to save on a policy while making sure you maintain the proper coverage level you need.

1. Buy Life Insurance When You're Young

Many people may feel that they do not need life insurance when they are young. While their financial needs may be lower at a younger age, the rates are also considerably cheaper, when one is young. Remember, the goal is to cover your primary assets (like your salary and house) so that if something were to happen to you, your beneficiaries would be able to persevere financially. The best advice is to lock in so far in the protection at an early age while their health and prices are still good.

2. Your "Half" Birthday Could be Costly to You Life Insurance Premiums

While some companies raise their prices based on their actual age, most companies will increase the price of their policies six months before his birthday. It is a term called "the age closest" in the industry, and that half-year increase in prices actually could add over a 20-year term policy. As in the previous case, the fastest gain the best policy.

3. Select the Right Length of Term Life Insurance Coverage

Everyone has different needs, and not one size fits all when it comes to term life insurance. While it may make sense for people between 30 and 40 years to secure a 20-year term duration, a period of 10 years would be more appropriate for someone nearing retirement. People trying to quit, for example, might be more appropriate buying a shorter term (and then replacing it with a policy of longer-term, if not qualify for the price of snuff). Finally, people who have mortgages to 30 years might want to consider a term of 30 years to ensure that the house is protected throughout the period of the loan.

4. Check for Life Insurance Policy Price Breaks

Companies often offer "price breaks" at certain coverage amounts (e.g., $250,000 vs. $225,000). The truth is that many people can actually pay less money for more coverage. Check how little your prices increase when you increase coverage to $250,000, $500,000, or $1,000,000.

5. Buy the Right Amount of Life Insurance Coverage

Many agents may try to sell you more coverage than you need. The purpose of life insurance is to "compensate" (replace financial loss), and most people what they should look for is the replacement of income for their beneficiaries. Independent financial planners recommend the following rule of thumb: the purchase of an amount equal to the coverage of 6-10 times their annual gross income.

6. The Right Hobby With the Wrong Insurance Company Could Cost You on Life Insurance

People who participate in high-risk sports or activities (such as hang gliding, skydiving, mountain climbing, scuba diving, and careers), or even those who prefer to have an occasional cigar may well pay more money if not the right company Pickup . Each company on risk factors differently and some are more liberal in some areas than in others. Talk to an expert licensed insurance and make sure they have all the criteria for subscription at its disposal and which coincide with the right company.

7. Work Life Insurance Policies Aren't Always the Best Deal

While the purchase of a life insurance policy through your employer is desirable, it may not be the best deal available to you. The work policies are often based on a set of profiles of the employees who work with, many of whom may be less healthy than you, or have other factors that could cause an increase in rates. Such policies also expire if / when you leave the company. Inexpensive term life insurance policies to cover his office until they can live comfortably on their own are often a better alternative.

8. Check Out Your Payment/Billing Options with Life Insurance

Many life insurance companies offer discounts to consumers who pay their premiums annually, or who pay monthly by electronic funds transfer (EFT).

9. Review Your Life Insurance Policy Often

Do a review of your life insurance policy a minimum of every three years, if not more often. Rates may be lower, and your circumstances may have changed, necessitating more or less protection. If you are replacing a policy, make sure you allow enough time to get your new policy in place so coverages won't overlap or lapse.

10. Don't Overspend on Term Life Insurance Protection

Term life insurance is the most affordable and cost-effective pure protection available, and it is typically much less expensive than a comparable whole life policy. The old axiom still rings true: "Buy Term and invest the difference."

Buying Insurance

Insurance is one of the most unpleasant purchases that we have to make - it takes its place amongst those few things we buy that we hope we will never actually have to use. Many people, in fact, use this hope to argue against purchasing insurance in the first place - and while the chances are that we might never need it, this is one of those times in life when it is better to be safe than sorry.

As the expense of daily life continually mount, it can be easier to see the non - immediate need for insurance as illusory. I ' m not sick now, am I? My house is fine - it doesn ' t look like tornado weather out there today. That will never happen to me - I ' m not wasting all my hard earned money protecting against something that might never happen! Those insurance companies don ' t need any more money.

Unfortunately, this confidence is misplaced, as even the most intellectual of scholars cannot predict which one of us will fall victim to cancer, or which one of us will lose our home or job. The ' it - won ' t - happen - to - me ' philosophy does work for many people, but common chance takes care of that. Do you want to be the one with mud on your face when that diagnosis comes and you without the money to save your own life? It is important to understand this - that choosing insurance is a choice between life or death.

There is no doubt that the money we pay into our insurance each month could bring us pleasure in far more immediate ways, but in all honesty, is the amount we pay monthly all that much? Spend it today on something fleeting, and you will never remember where it went, but choose to place your hard earned money in an insurance plan and it will be one small ray of life if tragedy strikes. Because really, if diagnosed with cancer today, which would you rather have? Somehow that night on the town pales into insignificance. Don ' t take a chance - choose insurance.

Getting The Most For Your Money

Your life insurance premium depends on quite a few variables, some of which you can control and some of which you can't. You can't change your age or your health history, for example, but you have power over whether you smoke, carry a lot of extra weight on your body or engage in high-risk activities like scuba diving or rock climbing.

There are several areas where you have the ability to influence your policy and its premium. The underlying message is this: Know what you're entitled to. Here are a few guidelines.

Assess your needs

The purpose of life insurance is to ensure that when you die, your debts are paid, your family can continue to live in their current lifestyle, and if you have children that their education, medical care and other major expenses.

How much life insurance you need, exactly, depends on factors such as the size of the family, the age of your children, how much you owe on your home and whether other relatives are responsible for any of your relatives.

Term life insurance policies can serve as a concrete demands of your family. Say you owe $ 200,000 on your home. You can make a $ 250000 term life (with many companies, price breaks occur every quarter, one million dollars), which is 25 years or whatever the length of your mortgage. This means that your house is fully paid off, even if something happened.

Similarly, you can buy term life when your children are born, with the aim of turning them until they are 18 or until they finish college. Instead of just picking a coverage amount, sit down with your spouse and a financial adviser and calculate what you need if each other were not there. If you know exactly how much you need, you can sign up for the company and policy that all these requirements are met, and you are not vulnerable to any agents sell you more than you need.

It is true that the purchase of more coverage may mean that your payment less per unit ( "bulk purchasing" principle also applies here), but if you do not need it, it's still not the best use of your money. You can always buy more coverage later, but the premiums increase as you get older, and changes in your health can affect your insurability. Another possibility is the duration of life insurance to buy, then convert it into a whole life (which affects you, as long as you live, rather than for a set number of years) if he wins.

Buy only what you need,

Watch out for hidden costs or redundant. For example, some companies tack on fees for the monthly payment plans. Be on the lookout, so you can make informed decision - if there is a difference of 15 percent of the annual cost, you can pay your premium annually or every six months. Another option is of questionable value "is a premium waiver, the costs amount to a fair adding. This exemption, your premium payments if you become disabled. But you have probably already covered this point with the existing disability insurance.

Reduce the premium by kicking high cost habits such as smoking. It may not be easy, but it pays off - many insurance free smoking twice as much as non-smokers for the same amount of coverage.

Note, however, that honesty is always the best policy. If you understand your smoking habits, then die-smoking cause, your insurance company can legally refuse to pay your death benefit (although it still must pay your beneficiary the amount you pay in each premiums plus interest).

Lose weight if you are more than 20 pounds over recommended weight for your height, you can also save a bundle. If you fall into this category, look at the savings as an incentive, in the form, then do it for yourself and your family.

Make trade-offs

The cheapest is not necessarily the best. Your monthly premium should go to a company that has the financial strength to pay your beneficiaries if you die. Independent companies like A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's rate companies on their financial strength and its statutory health insurance commissioner's office can find out whether a particular company has a reputation for paying its debts.

Finally, if you have a health condition or circumstance that, as it seems, will have a negative effect on your premiums-shop for businesses in and around "specialization" in your particular situation. Some companies are familiar with some diseases, the risks or lifestyles than others, which can mean significant savings for you.

Living Longer And Life Insurance Rates

Back in the "olden days" was an unusual feat when someone has experienced the "old age" of 70 or 80. These days, with all of our advances in modern medicine, treatment and our lifestyle healthier, more and more people live longer and enjoy good health well into their golden years. Studies show that more than 49000 people nationally are more than 100 years, up dramatically from just a decade ago. According to the census data of the United States, the number of people living to 100 or beyond to double every decade, and the fastest population growth in the United States is in these days people who are 85 and older. Ageing and many experts say every day I am surprised by the number of people who are able to live without assistance even in their 90s.

What does it have to do with your life insurance rates? Well, not only prolongs life and good health good news for America senior from a perspective of life, it is also good news from a perspective of life insurance. Insurance companies are adopting new actuarial tables that incorporate new levels of mortality within the next 5 or 6 years, many first. Actuarials and mortality tables are used by life insurance companies to calculate the probability of death by a certain age. In other words, they say the life insurance companies how long you expect to live, on average, based on your age and sex.

For the first time in over 20 years, the American Academy of Actuaries has revised the table to reflect America's tendency to live longer. The new tables to increase the maximum (theoretical), the life expectancy of 120 years, not because actuaries actually think many people will reach the age of 120, but because this is the highest absolute age it is theoretically possible for a person to achieve these days.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control, in 2000, the average life expectancy for American males was 74, until four years from 1980 (when the previous tables were written). For American females, the average life expectancy in 2000 was 79 years, up to two years from 1980 tables. In addition, the annual improvement of male mortality in the general population of the United States is improved by 2 percent in the age group 55-59, and improved to 1.2 per cent for women the same age group.

You have more means that the mortality and expense charges to be paid for the coverage would be lower, which should, in turn, the lower your premiums. Some insurance companies are saying that the new tables will allow them to abandon their rates by as much as 30 percent, once they are adopted. Insurance Companies benefiting from their longer life spans because consumers do not have to set aside as much to cover the payoff death benefit, so that savings should be passed on to consumers. Many estimate that most insurance companies will set aside about 15 percent less than is currently up to cover death benefits.

While life insurance companies have until 2009 to implement the new actuarial tables, many will do it as soon as possible. This means that it is particularly important to examine your policy frequently, and compare the rates of different companies to see who has approved the new tables and are therefore able to offer lower prices.

By Abbey Wagner, InsWeb

What is Term Life Insurance?

Term life insurance is usually the least complicated and least expensive type of life insurance. It offers insurance protection for a specified period, such as 10, 20 or 30 years.1 If you die within the period and the policy is in force, a death case will be sent to your recipient. If you are still living at the end of the term, the protection is not more, unless your term life insurance is renewed. There is no "accumulation" element, or with the concept of present value of life insurance.

Who is it?

* People with a temporary need for life insurance.
* Those who need a large amount of insurance protection, but have limited resources.
* People with special needs (such as companies, the owners want the lives of workers, a key has a set number of years until retirement).

Benefits of Term Life Insurance:

* It offers insurance cover for a low-cost (at least initially).
* If your needs change, most term life insurance, you can convert to a permanent life insurance without a medical examination or other information about your health.
* Term life insurance is a good way to supplement other coverage, if you have added financial responsibility for a certain period of time (eg mortgages, college expenses).
* Death benefits received are generally from income tax.

Things you should know:

* The premiums are generally increases with age and they may be unaffordable later in life. There is no cash element with a maturity value of life insurance, so you miss the tax-deferred growth of the cash value of the permanent life insurance, such as Whole Life Insurance.
* When the term expired, unless you renew your policy, the insurance cover expires and the policy has no value.

Choosing an agent

Almost all life insurance companies sell their products through agents, rather than directly to the public. Some companies use "captive" agents, who can represent only one company. Most of the competitive term life insurance providers (such as those featured at this site) use independent agents, who are free to represent several companies. These agents can help you select from a variety of products and companies to tailor a plan.

You should first obtain an online life insurance quote, and then select an independent agent.

Term Life Insurance or Whole?

Term life insurance, as a temporary insurance covers against the death of a person for a limited time, the notion. For example, the term could be until the children grown, or until college is paid or until retirement age. You pay for the policy and the time at the end of the term of the contract expires or politics. If there are no claims against the policy during the term, you will not receive benefits under the policy expires, just like auto or home owners insurance.

Whole life insurance, also known as permanent insurance, which is permanent and not expire (provided you continue to pay the premiums). It looks similar to the coverage term life insurance, but it also provides an investment vehicle. A part of the premium goes for the life insurance, while the rest goes into an investment. This account can be either an interest-bearing account or a variable (stocks and bonds) investments.

What is better (in our opinion)? Young families with large financial obligations are usually better with term life insurance. The significantly lower premiums to acquire, so that they cover sufficient to protect against loss of income. Any discretionary investment funds can be integrated into other vehicles (mutual funds, money market accounts, etc.) that are likely to generate returns similar to or better than life insurance. Whole life insurance is often purchased by people for tax and estate planning. You should contact your financial adviser.

Participating Vs Non-Participating Whole Life

Participating vs. non-participating whole life

Although there are seven different kinds of whole life insurance, there is a difference between them all. Two of these kinds of whole life insurance are very different and can affect how your life insurance works for you.

Whole life
insurance is exactly what the name implies-insurance for the whole of your life. It is a guarantee of a minimum cash value and growth, which in the insurance policy. The biggest advantage of a whole-life insurance is a guaranteed death benefit. There is also a guaranteed cash value, fixed network and annual bonuses, available cash values.

The downside whole life is that the insurance premiums are not flexible. Also, the internal rate of return is not very competitive with other savings alternatives.

It is important to remember that during the entire life insurance comes in both non-participants and the participating states, not all insurance companies offer these two types of whole life insurance, or one of the seven species. It is important to check with the insurance company you are dealing with, to see that they offer, and if the specific type of whole life insurance, which you are interested in. Also, if you are an insurance agent or broker, they will find a insurance company offer for you that the type of whole life insurance you want.

Non-participating life insurance is very inflexible. Anything that is, if the policy is determined and after that nothing can be changed. The death benefits, the premiums, and the cash surrender values are determined when the institution of the policy. Once the insurance company questions the whole life insurance, you can not change.

But this also means that the insurance company is the risk for the future and the ideas of the policy compared to the estimates provided by the insurance actuaries. (Actuaries determine risk of the customer.) If the future claims are underestimated by the actuary, the insurance company must pay the difference. However, if the actuary estimates are too high, then the insurance company to keep the difference. This leads to the assumption that the actuaries' aim high "risk to their estimates, so that the probability that the insurance company to pay, if the estimates are too low greatly reduced.

Participating whole life insurance means that if the actuary estimates are too high, the insurance company shares the profits with the policy holder (you), the greater is the success of a company, the better the profit and surplus. It is in the best interest of the insurance company "high goal", they may retain a portion of the profits with you. However, insurance company actuaries are very good at their jobs and are usually dead on the money with their estimates.

In short, the choice between these two types of whole life insurance is yours to make-a decision not made easy, as your future depend.

Term Life Insurance as an investment?

Most insurance investors not think term life insurance policies as a great way to save and make money. While it is true that you will not be able to draw money out of your term life insurance, this is not to say that it is not an investment. It is an investment in the future of your heirs.

Depending on your age, general health status and lifestyle, your life expectancy may be a few years or many decades. Invest your money in a term life insurance, which meet and exceed your life expectancy by a few years. If you believe, you need an insurance policy with a cash value, a universal life and whole life.

Short term, the calculation
How much will your heirs need? For how long? Feststellend how much term life insurance is needed to appear as a difficult task, but it is really quite simple.

Add loan balances for cars, houses and credit lines. These include revolving stage lines, such as credit cards and financial aid loans for college and university education.

In the balance of the loan funds for the funeral expenses, final medical bills, estate taxes and fees and any charitable gifts you make on your death. This is the short-term need your family and property from your term life insurance. It is best not to a policy that does not meet these minimum requirements.

Calculate long-term need
Long-term financial needs, a little more flexibility. The easiest way to the long-term financial needs for your family, this amount in your term life insurance. You can an investment plan, your will so that your real estate delegate can grow your policy means after their death.

When calculating your term life insurance needs for providing for your family in the long-term, these factors:

If your spouse or partner to be able to work when you are away? How much additional revenue will be required to secure the same standard of living for him or her?

If your spouse or partner works after death, child care costs? How much and how long?

Is your spouse or partner in advanced age or have different medical needs, the additional funds? Do you have children with expensive medical needs? How much money is needed and for how long?

Do you have children who are probably at the top university in the future? Would you sign up for their higher education as a whole or in parts?

Add all of your long-term needs and regulations, then calculate your available resources.

How much income will your spouse or partner supply annually?

What is the social security benefit, if any, will you leave?

Are there any retirement benefits or pension plans leave?

Are there other investments you leave?

Subtract the long-term needs of your resources and your investments.

Term Life or investment - or both?
Now that you know how much money your heirs will need and for how long, the next choice to make is whether to leave it to them to live in your office, the one investment that grow or enough funding for investment and instructions to your family. For these decisions, which can best through consulting with a financial planner.

Takaful Industry To Enjoy High Growth This Year

The takaful (Islamic insurance) industry is expected to record high growth this year amid the increasing competition in the market this year.

Takaful Chairman of the Malaysian Association (MTA) Tarmidzi Ahmad Mohd Nordin said, the amount of premiums and the market would continue to grow by as much as RM600 million to RM3.0 billion this year compared with RM2.4 billion last year.

It is expected to contribute to achieving the vision of the country to an Islamic financial hub in the region and also at the global level, he said.

"The issuance of new licenses in the past two years, the participation and the growth was overwhelming," said Mohd Tarmidzi reporters at the start of a campaign to increase the awareness of Islamic finance at the National Mosque here Friday.

The positive development of the industry, in line with the high sales figures for products related to mortgages, motors, medical and education in the market.

"The land is good, the economy, rising incomes of people, systematic marketing techniques and partnerships with foreign partners, we will be able to progress quickly and the decisions to customers," he said.

Mohd Tarmidzi said that there were some challenges for the takaful operator based in the minds of saving for the future. Although there are a growing number of people aware of syariah based insurance, it is yet to be reached, the society as a whole.

For this, he said takaful operators should continue to beef various activities including awareness campaign.


Permanent life insurance is more expensive

As you might expect, permanent life insurance premiums are more expensive than term premiums, because some of the money is put into a savings program. The longer the policy has been in force, the higher the present value, because more money has been paid and the cash value has earned interest, dividends or both.

The debate is all about cash value. If you have a policy today, your first annual premium is probably much higher for a permanent life for the policy as a concept.

However, the premiums for permanent life remain as over the years, while the premium for the term of life. The extra premium in the early years of continuous policy is invested and grows, minus the sum of the agent takes as a sales commission. The gain is tax-free, if the policy is cashed in deferred and during your life. (If you die, the proceeds are usually tax-free to your beneficiary.)

The saying you always hear is: "Buy one and invest the difference." The fact is, it depends on how long your policy. If the permanent political life long enough, this is the best offer. But "long enough" varies depending on your age, health, insurance company, the types of policies chosen, interest and dividend rates, and more. The reality is that there is no simple answer because life insurance is not a simple product.

The debate over term vs. permanent life insurance

Here's a quick look at all of the options: term, whole, variable and universal.

Few people who have bought insurance -- or even window-shopped for it -- have escaped the debate over term versus permanent insurance.

And the wrong kind of life insurance can be more harm to your financial plans, as other financial products today. So, the first and most important decision to purchase, you must be the life insurance concept, permanent or a combination of both? Let us all.

Deadline for insurance policies that provide death benefits that you, if you win (so to speak). If the length of the history, politics, you (or more specifically, your family members) are not given any money.

Permanent life insurance policies offer advantages and death "savings account" (also called "cash-value"), so you can, if you live, what you, at least some , and often much more than the amount that you have spent on your premium. You receive this money, either by redemption in the political arena or by borrowing against it.

Cash Value Life Insurance Buyer's Guide

Cash Value Life Insurance is a type of insurance where premiums charged are higher at the beginning than they would be for the same amount of term insurance. The part of the premium that is not used for the cost of insurance is invested by the company and builds up a cash value that may be used to:

  • Borrow against a policy's cash value by taking a policy loan. If you don't pay back the loan and the interest on it, the amount you owe will be subtracted from the benefits when you die, or from the cash value if you stop paying premiums and take out the remaining cash value
  • You can also use your cash value to keep insurance protection for a limited time or to buy a reduced amount without having to pay more premiums
  • You also can use the cash value to increase your income in retirement or to help pay for needs such as a child's tuition without canceling the policy
To build up this cash value, you must pay higher premiums in the earlier years of the policy. Cash value life insurance may be one of several types; whole life, universal life or variations

Whole Life Insurance covers you for as long as you live if your premiums are paid. You generally pay the same amount in premiums for as long as you live. When you first take out the policy, premiums can be several times higher than you would pay initially for the same amount of term insurance. But they are smaller than the premiums you would eventually pay if you were to keep renewing a term policy until your later years.

Some whole life policies let you pay premiums for a shorter period such as 20 years, or until age 65. Premiums for these policies are higher since the premium payments are made during a shorter period.

Universal Life Insurance is a kind of flexible policy that lets you vary your premium payments. You can also adjust the face amount of your coverage. Increases may require proof that you qualify for the new death benefit. The premiums you pay (less expense charges) go into a policy account that earns interest. Charges are deducted from the account. If your yearly premium payment plus the interest your acount earns is less than the charges, your account value will become lower. If it keeps dropping, eventually your coverage will end. To prevent that, you may need to start making premium payments, or increase your premium payments, or lower your death benefits. Even if there is enough in your account to pay the premiums, continuing to pay premiums yourself means that you build up more cash value.

(Term) Life Insurance Buyer's Guide

Term insurance generally has lower premiums in the early years, but does not build up cash values that you can use in the future. You may combine cash value life insurance with term insurance for the period of your greatest need for life insurance to replace income. Term Insurance covers you for a term of one or more years. It pays a death benefit only if you die in that term. Term generally offers the largest insurance protection for your premium dollar. It generally does not build up cash value

  • Find out what the premiums will be if you continue to renew the policy
  • Ask if you will lose the right to renew the policy at some age
  • Some companies charge more for annual renewable policies, but give you the right to keep a policy in force for a guaranteed period at the same price each year
  • With a renewable policy, you may need to pass a physical examination to continue coverage, and premiums may increase
You may be able to trade many term insurance policies for a cash value policy during a conversion period -- even if you are not in good health. Premiums for the new policy will be higher than you have been paying for the term insurance.

Life Insurance Buyer's Guide - 2

* How much do you need?
* What is the right type of life insurance?
* If you decide to replace your policy, do not cancel your old policy until you have received the new one.
* Verify your new policy and decide if it is what you wanted
* It can be expensive, a policy should be replaced. Much of what you pay in the first few years of the policy you have now, the company pays the costs of the sale and issuance of the policy. You can pay this kind of cost to buy, if you have a new policy.
* If you are older or your health has changed, the premiums for the new policy is often even higher.
* You will not be able to buy a new policy if you are not insurable.
* You may have valuable rights and benefits in politics, you have now, not in the new one.
* Consider the change of policy now or to supplement the coverage or benefits that you want,
* Check with the agent or company that you have that you now
* Check updated illustrations to see how your policy, and what we could expect in the future, based on the amounts that the company pays.
* How much income the family can I offer?
* When I die too soon, how would my survivors, especially my children through?
* Did someone on me financially, as parents, grandparents, brother or sister?
* Do I have children, for which I money to put aside up to the end of their training in the event of my death?
* How will my family pay final costs and repay debt, after my death?
* Do I have family members or organizations to which I would like to leave money?
* Will there be willing to pay estate taxes after my death?
* How will the inflation on the future needs?

As you figure out what you have to meet these needs, including life insurance you have now, including group insurance, in which you work or veteran's insurance. Do not forget that the social security and pension scheme survivor's pension benefits. Add other assets you have:

* Savings
* Investment
* Property
* Personal property

Which assets would your family or to sell in cash to pay for expenses after your death?

All measures are not the same. Some provide coverage for your life and others who for a certain number of years. Some build up cash values and others do not. Some policies combine different types of insurance, and others get from one kind of insurance to another. Some measures can be other advantages while you still live. Your choice should be based on your needs and what you can afford.

Life Insurance Buyer's Guide

* Check your own insurance needs and circumstances. Select the type of policy has advantages that are most likely to meet your needs
* Make sure you are familiar with the premium payments. Can you imagine the initial premium? If the premium increases later and you still need insurance, you can still afford?
* Do not sign an insurance application until you review it carefully to make sure that all the answers are complete and accurate
* Do not buy life insurance unless you intend to stick with your plan. It can be very costly if you quit during the early years of politics
* Do not drop one and buy another without a thorough study of the new policy and now you have your insurance can replace costly.
* Read your policy carefully. Check with your agent or company has everything you not clear
* Review your life insurance with your agent or companies every few years to keep up with the changes in your income and your needs
* Decide what you can afford to pay. Keep in mind the main reason you buy life insurance is to cover the financial impact of unexpected or early death
* Find out what kind of policy will meet your needs
* Select the combination of policy and premium benefits, which protects you in case of a premature death or long life
* Do you have a life insurance agent your insurance needs and provide information about the available measures

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